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      River-Huaihe River

      Release time:2019-03-07 12:03:18    Click rate:1361   


      Source: Ministry of Water Resources website

      Ancient called Huaishui, and the Yangtze River, the Yellow River, Jishui also known as the "Four Du", the contemporary has been listed as one of China's seven major rivers. The Huaihe River originated in the valley on the northwest side of Taibaiding in Tongbai Mountain, Tongbai County, Henan Province. The main stream flows through Hubei, Henan, Anhui and Jiangsu provinces. It enters the Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province in Sanjiang Ying. The River Basin spans five provinces, namely, Hubei, Henan, Anhui, Jiangsu and Shandong. Taking the abandoned Yellow River as the boundary, it is divided into two major river systems: Huaihe River and Yishusi River. The whole length of the main stream of the Huaihe River is about 1000 kilometers, and the area of the basin is about 270,000 square kilometers. Among them, the area of the Yishusi River Basin is about 80,000 square kilometers.


      The Huaihe River Basin is situated between 112 121 longitude in the East and 31 36 latitude in the north. Tongbai Mountain, Funiu Mountain in the west, the Yellow Sea in the east, Dabie Mountain and Anhui Mountains in the south, Tongyang Canal, Rutai Canal in the East and the Yangtze River Basin in the east, and the Yellow River Basin in the north, the southern dike of the Yellow River and the western section of Yimeng Mountains. The basin is about 700 kilometers long in East and West and 400 kilometers wide in North and south.

      The topographic  Huaihe River Basin is located in the front of the second and third steps of China's topography, and the general trend of topography is high in the West and low in the east. The topography to the north of Huaihe River inclines from northwest to southeast, while the hilly areas of Huainan and Yishu and Sishan incline northward and southward respectively. According to the topography and elevation, the west, South and northeast are mountainous and hilly areas, while the rest are plains, lakes and depressions. Mountain area is 382,000 square kilometers, accounting for 14% of the total area of the basin, hilly area is 481,000 square kilometers, accounting for 17% of the total area of the basin, plain area is 147,700 square kilometers, accounting for 56% of the total area of the basin, lake depression is 36,000 square kilometers, accounting for 13% of the total area of the basin.

      Geomorphology of Huaihe River Basin is complex, diverse and distinct. Geomorphological type, the northeast is the south-central Shandong fault block mountainous area, the West and South are the mountains and hills, the middle is the Huanghuai alluvial, flood, lacustrine, marine plain. There are alluvial fans, alluvial plains and alluvial plains in turn between hills and plains. Geomorphological morphology can be divided into four types: mountainous, hilly, platform and plain depression. Its formation is mainly caused by crustal movement and the transport and accumulation of large amounts of sediment in the Yellow River and Huaihe River, including flowing water, lake and sea landforms. In addition, there are sporadic karst erosion landforms and volcanic lava landforms.

      The main soil types in Funiu mountain area are brown soil and cinnamon soil, while in hilly area are cinnamon soil; in Huainan hilly area, yellow brown soil, brown soil and paddy soil; in Yimeng mountain area, coarse cinnamon soil and coarse brown soil; in northern Huaibei plain, yellow tide soil is the main soil; in south-central area, sand and ginger black soil is the second; and in the lower Huaihe plain, paddy soil is the main water network area.

      Climate Huaihe River is a natural climatic dividing line between North and south of China. As early as in Yanzi Spring and Autumn Period, there are records of "oranges grow in Huainan, oranges grow in Huaibei". The Huaihe River and the newly developed Huaihe River inflow channel are bounded. The northern part belongs to the warm temperate semi-humid area, while the southern part belongs to the subtropical humid area. Flood, drought, gale, frost, hail and other natural disasters occur frequently.

      The climate of Huaihe River Basin is characterized by distinct monsoon, distinct seasons and hot and rainy seasons. In spring, due to the alternation of monsoon, it is cold and hot; in summer, the southwest airflow and southeast monsoon are active, with high temperature and precipitation; in autumn, it is cool and sunny; in winter, it is controlled by the dry and cold northwest airflow, with cold air invading, low temperature and little precipitation. The average annual temperature in the basin ranges from 13.2 to 15.7 C. The temperature in the south is higher than that in the north. The average annual temperature difference is 25.1 to 28.8 C. The annual average relative humidity ranges from 66% to 81%. It is high in the South and low in the north and low in the East and low in the west. The frost-free period of the basin is 200-220 days. The average annual sunshine hours in the basin ranged from 1990 to 2650 hours, and gradually decreased from northeast to southwest.


      The Huaihe River Basin includes 40 places (cities) in Hubei, Henan, Anhui, Shandong and Jiangsu provinces, 181 counties (cities) with a total population of 165 million. The average population density of the Huaihe River Basin is 611 people/km2, which is 4.8 times the national average population density of 122 people/km2, ranking first among the major river basins. The cultivated land area of Huaihe River Basin is 13.33 million hectares. The main crops are wheat, rice, maize, potatoes, soybean, cotton and rape. In 1997, the grain output was 84.96 million tons, accounting for 17.3% of the total grain output in China. The agricultural output value is 388 billion yuan, and the per capita agricultural output value is 2433 yuan, which is higher than the per capita value of the same period in China. The Huaihe River Basin has played an important role in agricultural production in China.

      The industry of Huaihe River Basin is mainly food and textile industry with coal, electric power industry and agricultural by-products as raw materials. At present, large-scale coal production bases in Huainan, Huaibei, Pingdingshan, Xuzhou, Yanzhou, Zaozhuang and other countries have been built. In 1997, coal production accounted for one eighth of the national coal production, which is the largest coal field south of the Yellow River in China. There are nearly 20 million kilowatts of thermal power installed in the basin. In recent ten years, light and heavy industries such as coal chemical industry, building materials, electric power and machinery manufacturing have also developed greatly. A number of large and medium-sized industrial cities such as Zhengzhou, Xuzhou, Lianyungang, Huainan, Bengbu and Jining have risen. In 1997, the gross industrial output value of Huaihe River Basin was 966.4 billion yuan, and the gross domestic product was 703.1 billion yuan. The per capita gross domestic product was only 4383 yuan, which was lower than the national average and was still an underdeveloped area.

      The traffic in Huaihe River Basin is developed. Beijing-Shanghai, Beijing-Kowloon and Beijing-Guangzhou are three major north-south railway arteries passing through the east, central and western parts of the basin; the famous Eurasian Continental Bridge-Longhai Railway runs across the northern part of the basin; and the main railway trunk line of Shanxi-Coal Southern Transport, Xinxiang-Shijiu Railway, and Bengbu-Hefei Railway, are also built.The traffic in Huaihe River Basin is developed. Beijing-Shanghai, Beijing-Kowloon and Beijing-Guangzhou are three main north-south railway arteries that pass through the east, middle and west of the basin; the famous Eurasian Continental Bridge-Longhai Railway runs across the northern part of the basin; and the main railway trunk line of Shanxi-Coal Southern Transport, Xinxiang-Shijiu Railway, Bengbu-Hefei Railway and Xinyi-Changxing Railway under construction. Inland river shipping has the second largest annual freight volume in the country, the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal in the North-South direction, the main stream of the Huaihe River in the East-West direction, and the river shipping in the tributaries of the plain and downstream water network areas is also developed. Highway construction has developed rapidly in recent years. Large sea terminals such as Lianyungang and Shijiu can reach not only the coastal ports of the whole country, but also Korea, Japan and Singapore.

      Nearly 10 million mu of beach along the Huaihe River Basin can be reclaimed. The average annual water resources of the basin are 85.4 billion m3, including 62.1 billion m3 of surface water and 37.4 billion m3 of shallow groundwater. In dry years, the Yellow River can be diverted from the north and the Yangtze River from the south. It has long sunshine time, abundant light and heat resources, mild climate and superior conditions for agricultural development. It is an important commodity grain, cotton and oil base of the country.

      River system

      The Huaihe River Basin is bounded by the abandoned Yellow River and divided into two major river systems, the Huaihe River and the Yishusi River. The area of the Huaihe River Basin is 190,000 km 2 and 80,000 km 2, respectively. There are the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, the Huaishu New River and the Xuhong River running through them.

      The Huaihe River originated in Tongbai Mountain, Henan Province, and flows eastward through Henan, Anhui and Jiangsu provinces. It enters the Yangtze River in Sanjiang, covering a total length of 1000 km, with a total drop of 200 m. The upper reaches of Honghe Estuary are 360 km long, with a surface drop of 178 m and a basin area of 30.06 million km 2; the middle reaches of Honghe Estuary and Hongze Lake exit are 490 km long, with a surface drop of 16 m and an area of 158,000 km 2 above the middle reaches; the lower reaches of Zhongdu to Sanjiangying are 150 km long, with a surface drop of 6 m, and the upper reaches of Sanjiangying are 164,600 km 2.

      The outlet of Hongze Lake is not only the river channel, but also the main irrigation channel in northern Jiangsu and the Huaishu New River which distributes flood by camera to Xinyi River. There are many tributaries in the upper and middle reaches of the Huaihe River. The tributaries on the south bank all originate in the Dabie Mountains and the Jianghuai Hilly Region, with short-term and fast-flowing sources. Bailu River, Shiguan River, Pihe River, Dongfei River and Chihe River are the basins with an area of 2000-7000 km2. The main tributaries on the north bank are Hongru River, Shaying River, Xifei River, Vortex River, Luotong River, Xinbi River and Kuili River. Except for some hilly areas in the upper reaches of Hongru River and Shaying River, the other tributaries are all plain drainage channels. The area of the basin is the largest, with the area of Shaying River being nearly 40,000 square kilometers, and the other tributaries are between 3000 and 16,000 km2.

      To the east of the Licanal in the lower reaches of the Huaihe River, there are coastal rivers such as Sheyang Port, Huangsha Port, Xinyang Port and Doulong Port, which discharge rainwater from the Lixia River and coastal areas. The basin area is 25,000 km2.

      Yishusi River system is located in the northeast of Huaihe River Basin. Most of it belongs to Jiangsu and Shandong provinces. It consists of Yihe River, Shuhe River and Sihe River. It originates from Yimeng Mountains. The Sihe River flows through the South Four Lakes, converges the western part of Mongolia and the tributaries of the West Lake Plain, and then enters the sea through the Hanzhuang Canal, the Central Canal, Luoma Lake and the Xinyi River at the Guanhe Estuary Yanwei Port. Yihe River and Shuhe River go down parallel from Yimeng Mountains to the south, Yihe River to Linyi City, Shandong Province, into the middle and lower reaches of the plain, Zouxian County, Jiangsu Province, into Luoma Lake, and Xinyi River into the sea. There are Fenyi River into Shu River and Shaochang River diversion channel in Liujiadaokou and Jiangfengkou, which divide Yihe River into Shu River and Zhongcanal respectively. Shuhe River is divided into new and old Shuhe River in Daguanzhuang. Laoshu River flows from Henan Province to Xinyi County to Xinyi River. Xinshu River flows east through Shilianghe Reservoir and into the sea at Linhongkou.

      The plain drainage tributaries of Yishu-si drainage basin with an area larger than 1000 km2 include Dongyu River, Suzhao New River and Liangji Canal. There are 15 rivers directly into the sea, and the area of the river basin is 16100 km2.

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